We have resources for youth to help prevent abortion, and we have help for healing after abortion.

The purpose of The Victorious Warrior is to inspire youths to become responsible young adults who will find their identity in aiming toward the good—that is, aiming toward the God of the Bible. Learn more!

In Prepare a Room, we offer a ten-step path to peace and healing that addresses the damage done to identity and relationships by abortion and offers real-life tools to restore what has been broken. Learn more!

In crisis now?

Are you in emotional crisis from post-abortion trauma?

*National Helpline for Abortion Recovery: 24/7 confidential, toll-free hotline 1-866-482-LIFE (1-866-482-5433)

*Abortion Recovery Network: A network of ministries National hotline at 1-657-464-7071

*Have you taken the first abortion pill? It's not too late to save the life of your child. Go to abortionpillreversal.com or call their hotline: 1-877-558-0333.

Here is a story from a viewer:
"I was hurt by an abortion I was pressured and forced into.... I wanted to keep the child, but they did not allow it....
It was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced and I was lied to.... No one ever talked about it again with me.... I bled buckets. I was deceived and told it was easy and people go back to work the next day. (Continued below—scroll down)

Your words

Our Foundlings banners were used in many 40 Days for Life vigils:

"...wanted to share with you the incredible impact your banner has had on our 40 Days for Life Spring Vigil. Everyone, from the PP [Planned Parenthood] employees, the clients who enter the facility, to the neighboring business personnel and especially those who bike, walk, or drive by, your banner brings a moment of true reflection for all. We’ve had people literally stop their car and gaze at those precious faces… people walk up to talk about “life” who can’t keep their eyes on anything but the banner… not to mention our Prayer Volunteers who, upon seeing it for the first time, found it profoundly moving."

Want a banner for your vigil?
Click here.

What we offer

(Story from a viewer, continued)
I yelled at the Christian outside [the clinic] and flipped him off.... He told me Jesus loved me....
I met my husband online, and he was the first person i ever met who was a Christian. He listened to me with love about my abortion. It was the first time I ever got to admit the pain and regret to anyone I knew....
 I knew nothing about Jesus. I prayed on a random night in January of 2022 and confessed and told him I would take the worst consequence for what I had done. I knew I deserved it. I told him to love my baby. And instantly my life changed. I received the Holy Spirit and got energy all of a sudden to work hard at my job and read the Bible. The Bible made sense....
I began feeling inner peace for what I had done. I loved Jesus and wanted to know more. I found out he forgives. He gave me forgiveness and peace. I told him if I was infertile, I would accept those consequences because I wanted to own what I did....
Repenting changed my life. Even if my circumstances were unfair, I wanted to take full responsibility for what was my part.
I found a beautiful church and just got married. I have cycles, signs of ovulation, and I trust God. I don’t know if he will give me a baby, and man I want one to redo my entire experience. How magical it would be to talk to Jesus through every week, and talk to Jesus about my baby’s sibling in heaven....
I have recently disclosed to everyone proudly that I am [Christian] and married in the church I gave my testimony. I shared about my abortion and they embraced me. Christian’s are the only people I can talk to about it. I got baptized, married, and I pray for my baby all the time.
Abortion hurt me forever. It wounded my physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I’m so glad to know Jesus after that event, but am so sad that happened. I forgive my mom....
I love Jesus, and I’m so glad I had a repentant heart. Every day gets better as I get closer to him. I want to do something to help unborn babies or be against abortion in some way someday. I understand the pain, and I loved finding your Instagram and Tik Tok....
Thank you for your page and for listening to my story.... Jesus makes it better, but there’s still so much work to do on me. I trust him and hope I can let go of my addictions.
I’m so glad I’m married now and not having pre-marital sex. I’m so glad to go to church. I’m so glad every day gets better. I want to be better for him because he forgave me and revealed himself to me. The effects from abortion are so hard to shake like smoking cigarettes or weed or drinking to cope. I pray for my fertility. I pray for my baby in heaven. Thank you for reading and creating this ministry."